Çankaya University

8th International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture

“Struggle for Recognition: identity-formation and subjectivation”

Brest, France / 6-7 June 2019

Keynote Speakers

Bran Nicol Head of School of Literature and Languages, University of Surrey

Marie-Christine Michaud Professeur d’études nord-américaines, Université de Bretagne Sud

We are honoured to announce the 8th International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture “Struggle for recognition: identity-formation and subjectivation” organized jointly by Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest, France) and Çankaya University (Ankara, Turkey) on June 6-7, 2019. This International Conference is an annual, peer-reviewed academic event and comprehensive venue for the free exchange and dissemination of ideas on language, translation, literary and cultural studies, and aims to bring together scholars and graduates researching the intersections of these fields in the welcoming atmosphere of Université de Bretagne Occidentale in France. The struggle of recognition has emerged, in the recent years, as a powerful paradigm.  The theme of struggle for recognition is at the intersection of different areas of the human sciences: philosophy, gender studies, critical theory, discourse analysis, literature, etc. It is widely associated with the works of Axel Honneth, Nancy Fraser, Charles Taylor, Paul Ricoeur, to name just a few prominent figureheads. According to Axel Honneth, the core of any public sphere is always a struggle for recognition. Nancy Frazer goes as far as talking about a recognition theoretical turn to describe a tendency to tackle many pressing real-life issues –such as discrimination, exclusion, social justice, political equality, gender equality– in terms of struggle for recognition and against all forms of disrespect. At the core of the struggle for recognition paradigm, we find the question of identity formation, self-realization and subjectivation. Those engaged in a struggle for recognition are always of course struggling against institutionalized patterns of value that sustain and reinforce various mechanisms of exclusion. They are also struggling against those institutionalized patterns of value because they strip them of their dignity and subordinate them out of existence. Therefore, when they engage in struggles for recognition, they seek to redress injustices as much as to step out of invisibility and to claim their ethical capacity as full right subjects. The struggle for recognition may take different forms, which can be classified into two categories: argumentation or violence. Obviously enough, these two forms are exclusive; we can come across many examples when the struggle for recognition is both argumentative and violent. Some struggles for recognition seek reconciliation and a viable consensus, while others may refuse the idea of consensus and seek instead to perpetuate an agonistic confrontation. Focusing on the aspects of language, literature and culture in any or all possible contexts, and employing interdisciplinary approach to address the research problems with methods of and insights borrowed from multiple disciplines, “International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture” welcomes papers that deal with the question of identity-construction and subjectivation through the prism of the struggle for recognition paradigm and intends to blur the limits of conventional discourses and approaches. You may participate as panel organizer, presenter of one paper, or observer. Submissions are open for 30-minute slots (20-minute talks + 10 minutes for discussion). All submissions to the conference will be reviewed by at least two independent peers for technical merit and content. The papers presented at the conference will be published in a volume. A 300-word abstract and 5 keywords should be submitted as an email attachment to LLC2019conference@gmail.com by March 25, 2019. In your email, please include your name, affiliation, email address, phone number, title of the paper, abstract, 5 keywords and a brief bio data. Papers may answer one or more of the following questions or address the following topics of interest for submission:

    • What identity is the object of the struggle for recognition?
    • Who leads this struggle and in the name of who?
    • On what moral, ethical, political foundations is the struggle for recognition based?
    • Are the disrespect and contempt experiences presented in personal or collective terms?
    • Who refuses recognition and in name of what?
    • How subjectivities transformed during the struggle for recognition?
    • What argumentative strategies are used in the struggle for recognition?
    • How does literature depict the struggle for recognition?
    • Critical race theory and cultural identity
    • Culture and the social construct of identity
    • Diasporic literature
    • Intersectionality and identity politics
    • Intersections of the translations and cultural studies in literary reception
    • Language, identity and culture
    • Language, power and ideology
    • Place and belonging, ethnic, cultural and religious minorities
    • Nation and nationality
    • Overlapping culture-areas
    • Policies of diversity

Important dates

    • Deadline for submission: March 25, 2019
    • Notification of acceptance: April 8, 2019
    • Registration: April 23, 2019

This International Conference is an annual academic event organized by Cankaya University in Ankara in collaboration with a different university each year, and it attracts scholars from around the world as well as around the hosting country. This year the conference will be organized jointly by Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest, France) and Cankaya University (Ankara, Turkey); and it will be hosted by Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest on June 6-7, 2019. The conference covers a wide range of subjects in language, translation, literary and cultural studies, and welcomes presentations dealing with new interdisciplinary perspectives on these fields and other areas of investigation. Each year we choose the conference theme from among a large variety of topics that include comparative literature, literary theory, translation studies, interdisciplinary studies, English language teaching, and language education. This year the theme of the conference is “Struggle for recognition: identity-formation and subjectivation”. We aim to bring together scholars and graduates researching the intersections of linguistics, cultural and literary studies with a particular focus on identity discourses, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, diaspora and diasporic discourses, cultural images and imagology, and various ways of struggling for recognition and subjectivation. https://www.academia.edu/37602429/8th_International_Conference_on_Language_Literature_and_Culture_Struggle_for_Recognition_identity-formation_and_subjectivation_Brest_France_6-7_June_2019